التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Iran is not just a Saudi concern

Iran's aggressive behaviour and expansionist strategies are not a just Saudi problem nor are they just an Emirati or a Gulf problem. They are a regional and international problem.
Thursday 15/08/2019

There is a deliberate effort by some media to distort reality by limiting the problem in the Gulf to a mere dispute between Saudi Arabia and Iran and by depicting Riyadh as trying to mobilise international and regional forces just to compete with Tehran.
Whether deliberately or naively, media close to Qatar, Turkey, Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood have intensified efforts to twist facts and alleviate damage that Tehran is suffering because of its behaviour and unwarranted expansionism in the region, where Iran-backed militias are running amok and playing havoc with peace and security.
Iran's aggressive behaviour and expansionist strategies are not a just Saudi problem nor are they just an Emirati or a Gulf problem. They are a regional and international problem. Efforts exerted by Tehran to undermine stability in the region and their direct connection to extremism and terrorism threaten world peace and stability.
Some media outlets trying to depict Saudi Arabia as the party to blame are not paying enough attention to the antagonistic behaviour of Iran and its proxy militias. They do not seem aware that Tehran is the one playing havoc with Syria’s stability, unravelling Iraq’s fabric, fragmenting Yemenis, stealing Lebanon's independence and hurting its Arab neighbours at every turn.
Iran is quite blunt about its designs. Senior Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps officers have boasted multiple times about Tehran’s control of several Arab capitals and about their unflagging intentions to increase that number by creating chaos and tampering with the stability of the vulnerable countries in the region.
Nobody wants the war drums that are beating loudly in the region to lead to a destructive conflict that will not spare anyone. No one more than Riyadh wants general peace and stability. Too many times, Riyadh has extended its hand in peace but all it got back from Tehran was a faint smile and a stab in the back.
In facing off with Tehran, Riyadh would not be acting alone but in close high-level partnership and coordination with the international community. It had once offered Tehran a chance for peace, which was undermined by the Trump administration. It has deemed the nuclear deal agreed to by US President Barack Obama with Tehran to have been a reward, rather than a deterrent, for Iran’s behaviour and a green light for more of its harmful approach to the region and the world.
Many outstanding issues in the region depend on Iran changing its behaviour and that makes standing up to Tehran a necessity rather than a luxury.
Iran must be prevented from continuing to fracture Arab ranks, even within the same homeland, and creating conditions for opportunists investing in Arab suffering to spread their evil designs and projects. All we have to do to be convinced is see the disruption of political life in Lebanon and Iraq and the paralysing of any progress in the Palestinian cause by deepening divisiveness and fragmentation and shooting down any reconciliation project.
Despite this, some media voices ignore all standards of objectivity and fairness and follow their ideological biases by appealing either to remnants of shabby Arab nationalism and the worn-out rhetoric of resistance against Israel, in line with the narrative adopted by Iran and its false basin of resistance. They love to repeat the unbelievable and Iran-inspired slogan that the road to Jerusalem begins in Damascus or in Sana’a or in Baghdad or in any other Arab capital that fits with the goals of the Iranian expansion projects and its fifth column in the region.

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المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

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«تتبع الحجارة» عنوان 100 يوم من الفن المعاصر في بينالي الدرعية

السعودية تشهد اليوم واحدة من أكبر المناسبات الفنية العالمية   السبت - 7 جمادى الأولى 1443 هـ - 11 ديسمبر 2021 مـ رقم العدد [ 15719] الرياض: عمر البدوي أصبح حي جاكس جاهزاً لانطلاق الدورة الأولى من بينالي الدرعية للفن المعاصر، واستقبال المتطلعين لزيارة واحدة من أكبر المناسبات الفنّية العالمية، ابتداءً من اليوم (السبت)، حتى 11 مارس (آذار) المقبل، وهو أول بينالي دولي يتطرق لموضوعات وأشكال الفن المعاصر في السعودية، ويعرض أعمالاً لفنانين عالميين ومحليين، مع مجموعة من الورش الثقافية والتجارب الممتعة. يأتي بينالي الدرعية، كتجربة استثنائية، ومنصة إبداعية تمتد لمائة يوم، تكشف جوهر الفنون السعودية بمختلف أنماطها، وتُفسح للفنانين مساحات للحوار وإثراء تجاربهم، لتعزيز المشهد الثقافي والفني، وتمكين المواهب المحلية، واستقطاب مجموعات الفنانين الدوليين لإغناء الحدث الفني المهم. وقال راكان الطوق، المشرف على الشـــؤون الثقافية والعلاقات الدولية في وزارة الثقافــــة الســـــعودية، إن استضافة المملكة لأول بينالي للفن المعاصر، يعدّ إنجازاً استثنائياً، وإن أهميته تأتي من كونــــه نقطة التقــــــاء للعالم،...